I’ve been making this shot for the past few years and it is AMAZING!! The only name that has stuck for this delicious elixir is a “Wellness Shot.” {I guess you would assume correctly that Wellness is one of my favorite words} A lot of dancers I work with take a shot 1-2 hours prior to showtime for a healthy burst of energy.
Ok here is the recipe:
This will make 2 shots, adapt accordingly for additional friends
1 Lemon
1 Garlic Clove
🔥 Cayenne {Capsicum} Pepper- a pinch to taste, does have a kick
A spoonful of Honey {or Agave Nectar} to help the medicine go down
{Buy local honey please}
These are all to taste and tolerance {For more experienced shot takers only}
Ginger Apple Cider Vinegar Bee Pollen Turmeric
And here is the process:
- Cut the lemon in half and squeeze all of the juice into a bowl. {keep the lemon rind it will be used again}
- Chop the garlic into very fine pieces. {Or use a garlic press} Add to the bowl
- Add cayenne pepper to taste
- Stir in honey {about a tablespoon}
- Mix all of the ingredients into a sticky, juicy liquid with a few chunks
- Pour half of this mixture into each Lemon rind {its now your shot glass}
- Drink it like a shot, be sure to eat some of the lemon pulp as you enjoy!!
What the hell does it do?
I won’t be too long winded about the benefits of each of these magic ingredients.
Why not combine them into 1 convenient {and FUN} drink??
- Lemon Juice- Great for digestion, supports weight loss, flushes toxins, pH balance
- Garlic- Prevents a cold, boost the immune system, antioxidants, high in nutrients
- Cayenne- Ease a sore stomach, joint pain relief, circulation and heart health
- Honey- Boosts energy, allergy relief, stimulate the immune system, natures all around remedy.
There is a ton of literature that explain the benefits of the ingredients. Many cultures have used them as medicine for centuries, do some research for more about the effects on your physiology.
And Here is the finished product:
{Photo Cred: @montanaefaw}
Is it Gross?
Very potent flavors in this concotion, but for my tastebuds they balance nicely. The Honey really rounds out the back end {thats for you @colt.prattes}
When should I shoot?
Take a shot every day, typically in the morning. Good for waking up your immune system to protect from illness, especially during flu season. These have kept many of us healthy while out on touring gigs.
I would like to thank Mrs. Appleyard {my 2nd grade teacher}. She had us write step by step instructions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I included a butter knife, but didn’t tell her to use it, so she scooped a palmful of each and slapped her hand on the bread. I hope I learned my lesson.
-Take Care!!