bodyweight training

Bodyweight Training

The fitness training world has grown tremendously over the years. Everywhere you turn there is a new class, trend, video series, trainer, gym, technique or life changing piece of equipment. I try to expose myself to everything and for the most part any chosen method will have a positive effect on your body {when done correctly}. If a movement is performed incorrectly, it can be very dangerous, causing serious injuries. 

Enter one of my favorite forms of training BODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT TRAINING, the equipment needed…you guessed it your own body weight {BW}. The beauty of bodyweight training is that you can do it anywhere and its free!!

Give this workout a shot and let me know what you think:


  • Set an interval timer- ON time is performing the exercise, OFF is rest 
    • Beginner: 30” ON/ 15” OFF        Advanced: 40” ON/10” OFF
  • Perform the exercises in order- Video below demonstrates proper form and speed
    • Prisoner squats with Abduction
    • T-push ups
    • Single Leg Dead Lifts {SLDLs}
    • Plank hip taps
    • Tibetan bridge
    • Cross Crawl
  • Get as many reps of each exercise {with correct form} as you can during the ON time, rest OFF time and move to the next exercise
Main focus should be on your FORM. Don’t half-ass any training you do- use your whole ass!!! 

It is very important to perform slow and controlled reps of each movement. Focus on maintaining proper breathing, posture and stability throughout each repetition. If something is too difficult or painful, modify as needed or skip that exercise.

-Take Care!!